The Power Of Majority + Minority Mind Melt

October 22, 2019

Diversity and inclusion is more popular than ever before in corporate circles of all types. It is now almost every board’s corporate mandate. The one question, though, that the executive team still grapples with is:

How do we create meaningful initiatives that will truly make a difference? 

I’m reading a book by Jennifer Brown called Inclusion: ‘Diversity, the New Workplace and the Will to Change’ that tackles this topic head-on. Among the many lines that have stopped me in my tracks is this one:

“Our actions — and more importantly, our inactions, especially as leaders — are there for all to see.”

The strength in our action is in creating open and honest spaces for diversity to live, breathe, and expand. 

So how do we meaningfully act?

Creating safe spaces means extending possibilities to the majorities and the minorities.   

From a majority point of view, we grapple with hurdles that we need to push through, including:

  • Do I provide my team and colleagues with safe spaces to be themselves?
  • Do I embrace their backgrounds and unique points of view?
  • Do I provide them with equal access to opportunities?
  • Do I create opportunities to expand their mind for inclusion?

From a minority point of view, there are also questions and hurdles we each need to personally examine and overcome:

  • How confident am I in my abilities?
  • Do I feel I deserve to have access to new opportunities?
  • What are my self-limiting beliefs that prevent me from moving forward?
  • Am I able to reshape my differences into strengths?

When the majority and minority mind melt with the same set of intentions, that’s when you know you’ve meaningfully created a Diversity and Inclusion program.


Nishika de Rosairo | CEO and Founder | HumanQ

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