Is Coaching the Antidote for Quiet Quitting?

We’re all probably weary by now of reading about pandemic-related business issues. But we keep thinking and writing because the issues persist. Workers continue to disengage and quit, so engagement continues to be a topic of conversation. I’d like to add a little perspective from what we’ve seen at HumanQ, and the impact coaching, especially […]

Inspired by the vision that every employee deserves to live their best life, we are taking HumanQ (previously known as Experiential Insight) to the next level of growth through Kindred Ventures

I founded HumanQ (previously known as Experiential Insight) in 2019 because it was my life’s calling. Super cheesy, I know, but it’s actually true! I’ve always been extremely passionate about helping individuals reach their full potential, because I have experienced firsthand how the right development can literally unlock an individual’s life. From a very young […]

Work is no longer a place. It’s a mindset.

No, this isn’t another “we’re never going back to the way things were” post. We’ve all read plenty about that, and what’s more, we’re living it every day. What we need to talk about now is how to use that new reality to make our organizations stronger and more effective than ever. Regardless of whether […]

The secret to creating a company of problem solvers

A common adage says if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. While we can all probably agree it’s a generalization, at HumanQ we do believe that a company of problem solvers is much more powerful than a company of role players.  Let’s start with what we don’t want: role players. […]

Was Diversity a Fad, a Movement or Real Change?

The past few years have changed the workplace in countless ways, but the most urgent, immediate shift came with the Black Lives Matter movement. While companies already had diversity initiatives in place, bringing the issue of racial inequality to the national agenda gave it new meaning, importance and urgency. But two years out, have we […]

A CHRO Needs to Fill a Couch, Not Just a Seat. Are You Prepared?

Believe it or not, one of the first companies to hire a CHRO was Xerox, way back in 1985. The role was born in a drastically different world, and continues to evolve, not year to year, but day to day. The critical importance and ever-evolving definition of the modern worker means that demands on the […]

The Power Of Realistic Optimism

There are times when it seems like the easiest thing to do is to have a pessimistic outlook on the future. You might even tell yourself that the pessimism isn’t really pessimism, but rather a way to be realistic about things. Many tell themselves that this type of thinking helps prepare them for negative outcomes […]

Will the Metaverse (really) Bring Us Together?

The Metaverse is a popular topic of conversation these days, but some of the conversations seem to be around what it is in the first place. As with any emerging technology or idea, it’s hard to grasp what it really means until we have some concrete examples. At HumanQ, we see the vague nature of […]

Why 2022 Is The Year Of Grand Opportunity

For the second time in as many years, life is beginning to creep toward normal. While we’re all hopeful that life will be as it once was, we know some things have changed for good. This is especially true for business. And we see this time of change as a valuable opportunity for positive transformation. […]

Two Heads Are Better Than One, But Are Six Better Than Two?

“A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done.” In a simple turn of phrase, comedian Fred Allen expressed how many people feel about group dynamics in business. You may be surprised, but we agree. But if that […]

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