Why 2022 Is The Year Of Grand Opportunity

March 29, 2022

For the second time in as many years, life is beginning to creep toward normal. While we’re all hopeful that life will be as it once was, we know some things have changed for good. This is especially true for business. And we see this time of change as a valuable opportunity for positive transformation.

The big change everyone’s talking about is the move to more remote or flexible work situations. While it’s like we all had a worldwide ‘Lunch and Learn’ on how to make it work, some companies have done more than others in thinking about how the structure can work long-term. Many have been concentrating on structure and logistics, but true transformation will come from thinking about how people can truly work together.

Zoom and Google Meet have enabled us all to connect from anywhere, and they’ve become an indispensable part of every work day. But what we have lost is equally as powerful. Those hallway conversations. The walks to someone’s desk to chat. Both socially and professionally, we’ve become more isolated than ever before. In a time where team communication and collaboration has become staples of business, this swing has created more silos and made it more challenging than ever.

People will argue that despite the change, it’s working. After all, productivity is up as much as 13 percent. This is exactly where working from home is an asset and a liability. People are getting more done, but they’re often getting it done in deep silos. Even if individuals have the focus they need, many teams don’t share a unified direction. It doesn’t just mean adapting to working remotely or on flexible schedules. It’s a change in mindset.

Through our success in Group Coaching, we have seen substantial positive results in several key indicators of growing as an employee, a team member and a leader. Empathy grows. A sense of ownership increases. Resilience improves. And 88 percent of employees are increasing their growth mindset. By giving employees the tools to work better cooperatively, you are increasing not just productivity, but productive autonomy as well.

We’re still early in the year, and no one knows what the future will bring, but we’re optimistic based on the potential a new paradigm for work can bring.

HumanQ | Unlocking Human Potential

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HumanQ is a human capability and action tool solving enterprise and small team challenges and opportunities—customized in just 60 minutes and at scale. Through easy to activate products, and a Net Promoter Score of 90, HumanQ has delivered to 74 countries and is enabling every manager to add a game-changing tool to their workplace toolkit. For more information, contact us at info@humanQ.com

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