Technology is propelling us into the future at a faster rate than ever before. And organizations must adapt — quickly.
The workforce of today must transform into the workforce of tomorrow. However, there’s currently a big gap between the two.
Where Your Workforce is Now
Here are some startling stats to reflect on the state of our workforce today:
- In just 3 short years, the World Economic Forum tells us that more than 54% of all employees will require significant up-skilling [1]
- 55% of executives reported that there is a significant difference between current skill sets and the ones needed in the near future [2]
- 86% of C-Suite leaders said their organizations were doing “all they could” to create a workforce for Industry 4.0. This year, fewer than half said the same [3]
So what does all this tell us? With the speed of technology and transformation coming our way, it tells us that while organizations understand the challenges ahead, they have less clarity on what to do.
Although technology has forced us to become smarter and has created opportunities for more meaningful work at every economic evolution, the harsh reality is that your employees will not have the Success Skills needed for your organization’s success in the Future of Work.
Why? Because there is a lack of Success Skills training beyond 101, meaning that there’s just a basic foundation — insufficient for the future.
Taking Your Workforce Into the Future
“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”
-Buckminster Fuller
In an economy where 47% of all jobs will be automated in just under 5 years, how do we help individuals reach their full potential at a micro level, and organizations and economies to succeed at a macro level? The answer is HyperQ.
HyperQ is Visionary Intelligence (VQ) multiplied by Emotional & Social Intelligence (ESQ). Our study with 100+ leaders showed us that HyperQ is a unique set of Success Skills that allows individuals to tap into their uniquely human strengths and excel alongside technology. HyperQ means having the ability to embrace failure, adopt a growth mindset, take 100% ownership, have self-awareness, be influential, and perform at one’s best. It’s the perfect balance of left-brain thinking intermingled with right-brain genius.
At HumanQ, we develop executive-level skills at every level of the organization through intimate Group Coaching that is pre-designed for transformation through the lens of HyperQ. We help you unlock the potential of your workforce and stay ten steps ahead of the game.
In an economy where the supply of Success Skills is decreasing, while the demand for Success Skills is rapidly increasing, HyperQ is how organizations are scaling, growing and riding into the future.
Want to avoid the heavy costs of having underdeveloped employees in your organization? Contact us to start embedding HyperQ in your workforce for greater impact and engagement.
Let us help you be the architect of your own future.
Nishika de Rosairo | CEO and Founder | HumanQ
Contact HumanQ:
[1] WEF,
[2] Deloitte,
[3] WEF,
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