The Gap From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

December 3, 2019

As the great John F. Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

At HumanQ, we totally agree. That’s why we believe that coaching and continuous learning are pathways to developing better leaders.

Don’t see how important this is yet?

Here are some shocking stats in terms of where your organization is right now:

  • 90% of your employees are not adding accelerated value
  • 51% of employees are actively looking for or are open to a new job
  • 90% of classroom training is not retained
  • 33% of everyday activities are wasted
  • 67% of change initiatives fail
  • 47% of jobs will be automated by 2034

Although the numbers may seem grim, there is hope to bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be.

That’s why we’re so passionate about our group Executive Coaching Tracks, which facilitate continuous learning so that your employees at every level can develop as leaders who make an impact.

Let’s work together to get your organization to where you want it to be.

When you contribute to the growth of your employees, you’ll be able to:

  • Increase productivity, impact, and engagement
  • Create employee experiences that engage employees to do the best work of their lives
  • Create greater self-awareness, achievement, and bottom-line impact
  • Increase organizational alignment and strategic impact
  • Develop employees to become change agents
  • Successfully navigate increasingly complex environments

It’s a big leap, isn’t it?

The gap from where you are to where you want to be can be big and complex. You’ll need a long-term strategic partner who can partner with you to radically transform your organization within the next 12 months. And we’d love to help you get there.

Think bigger. Act bigger. Become HyperQ. 

Nishika de Rosairo | CEO and Founder |HumanQ

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HumanQ is a human capability and action tool solving enterprise and small team challenges and opportunities—customized in just 60 minutes and at scale. Through easy to activate products, and a Net Promoter Score of 90, HumanQ has delivered to 74 countries and is enabling every manager to add a game-changing tool to their workplace toolkit. For more information, contact us at

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