Introducing The Insight Lab: The Two Success Skills That Will See Us Through

May 26, 2020

HyperQ was developed to accelerate individuals into the Future of Work and to help organizations build a Hyper Intelligent (HyperQ) Workforce that is capable of co-existing alongside technology and automation. Throughs years of research, we’ve identified 14 Success Skills that are necessary for the Future of Work that sit under two master categories: Visionary Intelligence (VQ) and Social & Emotional Intelligence (ESQ).

I’d like to introduce the Insight Lab where we will tackle behaviors and ways of working that the future requires and dissect how you can use HyperQ to infuse these critical mindsets and behaviors into your day-to-day.

In a previous blog, we talked about the concept of leading through ambiguity, which is the ability to drive through the unknown with a clear strategy. In the process of unlearning, re-learning, and adapting, two key Success Skills derived from HyperQ will link you right into the rhythm of thinking with this continuous mindset:

1.     Embracing Failure (a Success Skill under VQ)

2.    Resilience (a Success Skill under ESQ)

The first Success Skill is Embracing Failure, which means viewing failure as being one step closer to the end goal while demonstrating courage, confidence, and the ability to take risks. Taking a step forward and committing to something new comes with no guarantees, surprises along the way and unexpected roadblocks. On the other hand, it also comes with breakthrough learnings, and genius revelations.

A prime example here is Steve Jobs. The Apple we know today would cease to exist if Steve Jobs didn’t embrace his failures and move forward to eventually save Apple. Jobs was pushed out from Apple’s Board of Directors in 1983, and eventually sold all his shares and resigned in 1985. Thrown out from something he poured his heart and soul into, Jobs was devastated at this loss! With the rug pulled out from underneath him and no idea what his future held, Jobs picked himself back up and went on to do great things, and even built the first breakthrough computer that Apple later bought from him. His story contains a myriad of great successes, but to spill the ending, Jobs later got back into Apple and actually saved a downward spiraling company through a deal he secured with Microsoft. 

The key word here that leads you to these types of outcomes is risk. Leading through ambiguity means taking risks – a leap forward that might end up pushing you to the moon,  just like Steve Jobs. But, in order to take that risk and see the vision of what it could become, you must have the ability to embrace failure to take that first step forward.

The second Success Skill is Resilience, which means moving forward with unwavered direction, purpose, and passion despite any roadblocks that arise. As I mentioned earlier, the unknown consists of roadblocks, and that really goes for any situation in life. Ambiguity means you will experience failures, you will have setbacks, you will experience things that won’t go your way, but the most important skill you can have is to keep moving forward.

In an interview in 1995, 10 years after Jobs was ousted from Apple, he said, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance” — and he was exactly right.

Resilient leaders say difficult things aren’t easy, but they’re worth it. Developing the resilience to push through the unknown brings you right on the other side of change and into the arms of adaptability, which may lead to your greatest success.

Again, all of this is easier said and done, and if you had the right mindset, you’d know that everything is possible. So how will you start developing the ability to embrace failure and strengthen your resilience to lead through ambiguity?


Nishika de Rosairo | CEO and Founder | HumanQ

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