HumanQ: What is something that someone taught you during your career that changed you for good?
Sarah : A mentor taught me that in coaching, there really isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to coach. It truly is about connecting and listening to the client; unearthing what they need in that moment; and delivering.
HumanQ: What legacy would you like to leave behind as a coach?
Sarah : I hope to contribute to a leadership culture where the balance of accountability AND compassion is seen as possible and not mutually exclusive. I want to help those with power to learn that empathy, curiosity and direct communication are essential workplace skills, and that psychological safety is key in achieving results.
HumanQ: If you had a Magic Coach Wand and could help someone develop a new way of thinking overnight, what would it be?
Sarah : My magic wand would allow people to understand and embrace the power of choice. This is why coaching can be so powerful - it can get people in action in an intentional way by gaining new perspectives.
HumanQ: What do you think stops us from being our best selves and living our best lives?
Sarah : One of the most pervasive is the volume level of the inner critic - those limiting thoughts and behaviors that hold us back.
HumanQ: What is the most powerful question a leader can ask someone they are coaching?
Sarah : "What is most challenging for you about ____ right now?" This gets to the heart of the matter!
"What is it costing you to hold on to wanting things to be different than what is?"
"What is it costing you to hold on to wanting things to be different than what is?"