HumanQ: What are the biggest challenges that you find employees that you coach grapple with
Joanne : Nearly everyone I Coach grapples with giving both positive and constructive feedback. Yet, once you learn how to do this, it becomes very easy.
HumanQ: If you had a Magic Coach Wand and could help someone develop a new way of thinking overnight, what would it be?
Joanne : I wish I could wave my magic Coach wand and help everyone to cultivate an abundant mindset. Once you tap into this, it feels quite magical.
HumanQ: What is the most powerful question a leader can ask someone they are Coaching?
Joanne : “How will you keep yourself accountable?”
HumanQ: What do you think stops us from being our best selves and living our best lives?
Joanne : The part of our mind that is there to keep us safe and in survival mode. We are in a constant battle with ourselves, daily, living between tapping into our own greatness juxtaposed with resisting stepping outside of our comfort zone of safety.
HumanQ: What is your biggest life lesson that contributes to your Coaching style?
Joanne : I had a “brick on the head moment” when I realized I had to figure out why I couldn’t attain my dreams, and that began my hero’s journey. I now believe we can achieve whatever it is we dream of, and that is the essence of my Coaching style.