HumanQ: Something someone taught you during your career that had a major impact and changed you:
Ignacio : "Excellence is not a choice, it's a way of life."
HumanQ: What has been your biggest failure and what did you learn from that experience?
Ignacio : Trying to do too much when I was onboarding as the Chief Transformation Officer taught me that when you are learning complex processes and juggling a lot of responsibility it is important to:
1. Remember to ask for support.
2. Observe your assumptions about success.
3. Set priorities and learn how to say “no”.
4. Take your time to deeply understand the drivers, motives, and challenges of your stakeholders.
5. Build 360º relationships.
1. Remember to ask for support.
2. Observe your assumptions about success.
3. Set priorities and learn how to say “no”.
4. Take your time to deeply understand the drivers, motives, and challenges of your stakeholders.
5. Build 360º relationships.
HumanQ: If you had a Magic Coach Wand and could help someone develop a new way of thinking overnight, what would it be?
Ignacio : Under no circumstances should you ever give away the freedom you always have, the freedom of choosing your attitude and focus always on what you can control.
HumanQ: What is the most powerful question a leader can ask someone they are coaching?
Ignacio : “When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what did you learn?”
HumanQ: What do you think stops us from being our best selves and living our best lives?
Ignacio : The stories that we tell ourselves that we end up believing.