HumanQ Coach Spotlight

HumanQ Coach Spotlight: Eveline Tijs

Coach Spotlight | Eveline Tijs | Hastings, UK

HumanQ: Eveline, what’s something someone taught you during your career that had a major impact and changed you?
Eveline : I learned that we can make the switch from a reactive and habitual way of living life, to a creative and more fulfilling one – simply by practicing awareness in every moment and not identifying with all the random thoughts that pop up in our heads.
HumanQ: What has been your biggest failure and what did you learn from that experience?
Eveline : One of my biggest learnings in my early days of coaching was that I spent too much time trying to make my customers feel good and making sure they liked me. I learned that this wasn’t serving them in the way that they needed, so I changed my approach to saying the things that individuals don’t always want to hear, but that truly transform them. My role as a Coach has been so much more fulfilling since.
HumanQ: If you had a Magic Coach Wand and could help someone develop a new way of thinking overnight, what would it be?
Eveline : I think the power is not in WHAT someone is thinking, but rather in whether the person is aware THAT they are thinking. Our thoughts shape how we perceive the world and how we react, so it’s crucial to become aware of them. How do they relate to their own inner world? Is their thinking helping them to create what they want? This is where true transformation and power lie.
HumanQ: What is the most powerful question a leader can ask someone they are coaching?
Eveline : “Given that this is the situation, what do you want to create?”
HumanQ: What do you think stops us from being our best selves and living our best lives?
Eveline : We tell ourselves stories without realizing that we are so much bigger than just that. We have natural confidence, clarity, and calm available to us all the time, we just think we haven’t. The moment you truly get that, your life will transform.

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